brings in the Internet of Things

Museums and collections

Smart monitoring monitors the conservation conditions in your rooms in a modern and cost-effective way.

With relatively small and, above all, long-range wireless sensors, a wide variety of parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity or CO2 concentration can be measured and transmitted to a central database. The sensors generally do not require an external power supply and can be installed without any structural changes. The monitoring system can therefore be easily installed even in listed buildings.

Simply clear.

With your password you can access the measured values of all sensors and make settings at any time and from any location via your internet browser.

Everything in view.

Smart monitoring is multi-client capable. Simply register your gateways and sensors in the monitoring system and feed the data into the database. All dashboards and alarms are provided by Robotron but can be customized to your liking. The measured data is stored long-term and can therefore be analyzed over selectable periods of time, taking into account the assignment of sensors to objects or locations, even if they are not yet implemented in the interface. The measurement data can be exported from various perspectives (per sensor/channel or object/location), e.g. as a CSV file.

This service is provided by our partner robotron*SmartMonitoring provided.

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